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Entries open for Ockenden International Prizes 2024

The deadline for applications for the Ockenden Awards, which aims to support locally-based and/or refugee-led organizations working directly with refugees and IDPs to promote self-reliance, is 30 November 2024.

Noting that it is difficult for small local organizations to access external financing and that the source of funding is often tied to a specific project, Ockenden aims to allow award winners to direct the award according to their own priorities. 

The judges will, in particular, look for:

  • Projects that promote self-reliance among refugees and/or displaced people.
  • These may be projects that are led by or have a high level of participation from displaced people themselves; projects providing education, legal assistance and/or livelihood assistance; or any other programs that help refugees and/or displaced people build stable, independent lives.
  • Projects that have proved to be highly effective in improving the lives of refugees and/or displaced people.
  • Projects that have led to real change in the lives of refugees and/or displaced people.
  • Effective initiatives, with measurable evidence of outcomes.
  • All entries entered – subject to the Entry Rules – with projects or programs deemed to be benefiting refugees and/or asylum-seekers living in the United Kingdom will be considered for the new UK Prize.

Four of the projects that promote the self-reliance and independence of refugees and/or displaced people anywhere outside the UK will be awarded.

The five winning organizations will each receive GBP 25,000.

For more information about the awards:

Application deadline: November 30, 2024

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