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ELELE Support Grant Program Seeks Independent Evaluator

Independent evaluators are sought to evaluate applications received for the ELELE Support Grant Program open call.

Applicants may send their Turkish resumes to no later than August 17, 2022, and include "Independent Evaluator" in the subject line.

Job Description

The application deadline for ELELE SUPPORT grant program is September 15, 2022, and applications will be evaluated in the following 20 days. The evaluation and selection of project proposals submitted for the grant program will be as follows:

  • Evaluation of the project application form and its attachments,
  • Review of the eligibility of the project, applicant, co-applicants and project partners based on the documentation submitted by the applicant.

Evaluators participating in the program are expected to have the following qualifications:

General work experience

  • Minimum of 10 years of professional experience,
  • Knowledge of project cycle management and/or project evaluation in administrative, financial, and technical matters,
  • Experience in evaluating calls for proposals,
  • It is an advantage if you have been involved in the implementation of grant contracts or EU funded grant programs.

Specific work experience

Have experience in all of the following areas and have at least 5 years of experience in one or more of these areas:

  • Institutional capacity building
  • Implementing grant programs for civil society organizations,
  • Having worked in projects implemented for CSOs within the scope of EU financial aids (including grant projects, being an expert, trainer, etc.) is preferred.
  • Knowledge of legislation related to the field of experience is an advantage.

Independent evaluators should be individuals who have not participated in the preparation phase of the submitted project proposals or who will not participate in the implementation phase. Independent evaluators cannot evaluate the applications of the CSOs to which they belong. Candidates should not have organic links with the Elele Project consortium (board member, organizational member or situations that could create a conflict of interest).

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