
Uçan Süpürge Vakfı will host a practical workshop with psychological counselor Dr. Ayşe Şule Çağlar entitled "El Âlem’den Ben Âleme" on Sunday, November 13, 2022.
The workshop aims to address the psychosocial dimension of women's empowerment and to be a practical, understandable and practical guide to women's psychosocial empowerment for practitioners working in the field of women's empowerment (such as entrepreneurship, leadership, employment, social participation, gender) as well as contribute to their personal development.
All practitioners who want to strengthen, expand and diversify their work are invited to this workshop. Detailed information can be found on the social media accounts of Uçan Süpürge Vakfı.
Facebook: ucansupurgevakfi
Instagram: ucansupurgevakfi
Twitter: ucansupurgeukff
LinkedIn: Uçan Süpürge Vakfı
Vimeo: usfestival
Youtube: UçanSüpürgeVakfı
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