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Effective training for the use of social media for CSOs: META Platforms

In collaboration with META, we are organizing a training on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 09:00-17:00 in Ankara to help CSOs become more familiar with the platforms META (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) and improve their skills to make the most of the communication opportunities offered by the platforms. You are invited to attend the training. The deadline for registration for the training is Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 11:59 pm.

What is included in the training?

The training will explain the platforms offered by META and how to use them effectively. You will also receive information on how to advertise on META's platforms and how to use this advertising effectively.

Training date: November 9, 2023

Location of the training: Ankara - TOBB Social Facilities Şefik Tokat Hall

Who can participate and how?

CSOs wishing to register for the training are expected to actively use one or more of the META platforms and have an advertising account with META.

Participants in the training must have administrator rights to the advertising account of the CSO they represent and bring their own laptop for the workshop.
Travel and lodging expenses for participants whose applications are accepted for the training will be at their own expense.
In order to make the training effective and efficient, the number of participants is limited to 25.

Apply for the training

Criteria for evaluation

  • Already have a digital communications plan/strategy in place,
  • Thematic distribution (environment and conservation, gender and women's rights, youth, children's rights/organizations and education),
  • Preferably have already participated in digital capacity building trainings under the STOK program of STGM.

CSOs selected based on the evaluation of applications will also be informed of the training location and other details.

For your questions about the training, you can e-mail

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