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Doğa Derneği Will Hold Seminars on Climate Justice

Doğa Derneği will hold a series of seminars in which the following questions will be discussed: What is climate justice? Why does climate change affect every person, group and country at different levels? What are the steps that need to be taken in this regard?

The first of the online seminars will be held on February 18 and 19, 2023. Assoc. Dr. Yasemin Kaya, Dr. Nuran Talu, Şehnaz Kıymaz Bahçesi and Burcu Meltem Arık will participate in the seminar, which will discuss the concept of "climate justice," international developments, strategies and policies, the gender dimension of climate change and the rights of future generations.

The seminars will consist of four sessions on Saturday, February 18 and Sunday, February 19 and will take place between 10:30-12:30 and 13:30-15:30.

The online seminar is intended for lawyers and aspiring lawyers. It is open to registrations from attorneys, law clerks, law students, and any legal professionals interested in the topic.

Click here for detailed information and registration.

Doğa Derneği
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