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Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society Discloses Draft Amendments to Legislation for Civil Society's View

The Directorate General for Civil Society Relations (STİGM) has opened the drafts it has prepared in the framework of the legislative amendments in the field of civil society envisaged in the 11th Development Plan for the views and suggestions of civil society.

The drafts prepared by the Directorate General for Civil Society Relations for the "Legislation on Associations", the "Legislation on Aid Collection" and the "Legislation on Tax Benefits for Civil Society Organizations" contain some amendments to the current legislation.

Volunteering, which has been constantly on the agenda in recent years due to the lack of legislation, has been prepared as a new draft law.

CSOs wishing to give their opinion on the draft legislation can send it to via the "Opinion and Evaluation Form on the Draft" on the STİGM website no later than September 2, 2022. The opinion and evaluation form can be found in the attachment below.

For more information, please visit the STİGM website.

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