The call is as follows;
CUF would like to get to know you.
Consumer Union Federation is an umbrella organisation of nine consumer associations working for consumer rights in Istanbul, Kütahya, Mardin, Siirt, Erzurum and Gümüşhane... It was founded in 2012.
In the meantime, it works to raise public awareness on every issue, to put pressure on decision-makers and to take action against human rights violations, both through the judiciary and through campaigns and press releases, in order to improve the quality of life of our country and our people. As the Consumer Union Federation is a civil society organisation and in particular a civil societyorganisation working in the field of consumer rights, it is equidistant from all kinds of commercial and political formations, has a non-profit structure and rejects all kinds of unethical financial relationships.
Regardless of the worldview and political views of its activists, following the principle of "Let a flower bloom, let a thousand ideas compete", we believe that the right to express all kinds of thoughts that do not involve violence or attack personal rights is sacred and that our differences are our wealth. As our member organisations and activists are located in different cities of our country, we carry out our work online by using the technological possibilities. We concretise our work through our online meetings held at regular intervals and our communication in the WhatsApp correspondence group and we strive to do "good" for our country. The Consumer Union Federation has implemented many projects and made them sustainable. Today we are trying to launch new projects and working groups. We want to meet and walk together with volunteers who want to do "good" for their country, the people and themselves.
Let us come together and meet.
Consumer Union Federation
- İskenderpaşa Mah. Yeşil Tekke Kuyulu Sok. No:21/3 Fatih İstanbul
- 05358685960
- www.tuketici.org.tr
- info@tuketici.org.tr