At the Struggle Against Digital Violence and Legal Methods Webinar, Lawyer Şebnem Ahi, Head of the Informatics Law Commission of Istanbul Bar Association, will provide information on the legal dimensions of digital violence, legal regulations regarding digital violence in Turkey, the legal ways that people who are exposed to digital violence can apply, and the effects of disclosure in social networks on judicial mechanisms. Project coordinator Şevket Uyanık from TBID, academician Gülüm Şener and UNFPA Program and Partnerships Officer Nazife Ece Karaduman will also participate in the webinar.

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With the “Combating Digital Violence Project”, TBID aims to raise social awareness in the field of digital violence, to create a basis for the necessary legal regulations, and to implement practices to prevent digital violence, with the contributions of experts and academics working in the fields of law, psychology, communication, informatics, and digital security. TBID carries out a series of activities related to digital violence throughout the project. The legal, psychological, and social dimensions of digital violence are discussed by experts in the monthly webinars on combating digital violence.