The current reality is that gender inequality and discrimination continue to manifest themselves in many areas such as employment, education, political and social participation. We observe that many gains achieved through long struggles around the world are either under threat or facing great difficulties in their implementation.
The title 502 - Gender Equality and Mainstreaming was designed with this in mind. Accordingly, it takes gender as a category intersecting with other social inequalities and offers concrete proposals to enable us to take steps towards implementing and sustaining equality in our organization's internal operations, as well as in the projects and programs we carry out.
The content of the 502 - Gender Equality and Mainstreaming course was prepared by the Gender Equality Monitoring Association (CEİD), a partner of the "Civil Society Capacity Building Center" project implemented by STGM and supported by the European Union under the Civil Society Facility (CSF).
- To learn the fundamental concepts and debates surrounding gender,
- To practice how to create gender-sensitive documents that will institutionalize gender equality through internal organization arrangements during the mainstreaming process,
- To learn how to perform gender-sensitive monitoring through data-based tools,
- To increase capacity on how to conduct gender-sensitive monitoring in different areas of rights and how to use the data collected in advocacy activities.

"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı
“Biçilmiş Kaftan” Ismarlama Eğitim Programı, sizlerin belirlediği ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bizimle birlikte tasarlanan ve planlanan özelleştirilmiş bir kapasite güçlendirme desteği.