Financial issues and financial difficulties are one of the main problems that civil society organizations try to deal with in order to maintain their existence and continuity. CSOs seek resources, from paying the office rent to meeting the salaries of their professional staff; It ranges from seeking funds for the desired project to meeting the expense of a single item of a single activity. While financial resources maintain their importance in order to meet all these needs, to sustain activities and to survive, the interest, search and efforts of CSOs on this issue continue.
Well, what should be a sustainable resource development strategy approach, what kind of methods can be used, what does the legislation say about fundraising? 403- Methods in Fundraising course is designed to discuss the answers to these questions, to strengthen your capacity in creating a fundraising strategy, and to share solution suggestions about different fundraising methods.
- Fundamental points and framework of fundraising and the golden rule and sine qua non of Resource Development Pyramid and fundraising studies,
- To create the main components of the Resource Development Strategy and a Resource Development Mix (Resource Development Plan) in the light of all these,
- Establishing supporter relations and a database with individual and institutional methods used in fundraising,
- The framework drawn by the legislation currently in force in Turkey, the scope of Aid Collection in the light of legal regulations and the differences between donations,
- Points to be known about Economic Enterprise, which is one of the common fundraising methods, the steps to be followed and the legal framework to which it is subject,
- The experiences of non-governmental organizations that use fundraising methods and have improved their work in this context.
It is enough to allocate 3 days for the "403 - Methods in Resource Development" course to be held face to face. This face-to-face training will take place between 15-16-17 February 2023.
If you have decided to participate in “403 - Methods in Fundraising” online only, good news! There is no set start and end date. You can start at the time you set and finish at the pace you set. Our suggestion to you is to spend 2 hours a day and finish the whole program in 2 days. The video content included in 403 - Methods in Resource Development takes 3 hours and the reading materials take 30 minutes. So the total duration of all the content is 3.5 hours.

"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı
“Biçilmiş Kaftan” Ismarlama Eğitim Programı, sizlerin belirlediği ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bizimle birlikte tasarlanan ve planlanan özelleştirilmiş bir kapasite güçlendirme desteği.