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402 - Step by Step Personal Data Protection Law

About the Training

The privacy and security of our personal information is important to all of us. So how do we ensure the confidentiality of the data we obtain while carrying out our activities as civil society organizations? How will we store data safely? Where and for how long should we keep this data? What are the obligations we have to fulfill for this?

Here, during the 402- Step by Step Personal Data Protection Law course, where we discuss the answers to all these questions, we will talk about the historical background of personal data protection, how personal data will be processed, what we need to do to fulfill our legal obligations and the documents we need to prepare.

What Will You Learn?
  • Developments in the protection of personal data on a global scale and in our country, as well as international and national regulations,
  • The importance of the concepts of "disclosure obligation" and "explicit consent" in the processing of personal data,
  • Legal regulations on how and under which conditions personal data will be processed,
  • Documents that we need to prepare institutionally when processing personal data,
  • Differences between deletion, destruction and anonymization of data,
  • You will learn general information and basic concepts regarding the protection of personal data.
How Much Time Should You Spare?

It is enough to spare 3 days for the "402 - Step by Step Personal Data Protection Law" course to be held face to face. This face-to-face training will take place between 11-12-13 January 2023.

If you have decided to participate in the “402 - Step-by-Step Personal Data Protection Law” online only, good news! There is no set start and end date. You can start at the time you set and finish at the pace you set. Our recommendation to you is to spare 1.5 hours and complete the entire program in 1 day. 402 - Step by Step The video content within the Law on Protection of Personal Data takes 40 minutes and reading materials take 45 minutes. So the total duration of all the content is 1.5 hours.

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Education Details
Certification Type
Certificate of Participation
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