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202-Project Cycle Management


202-Project Cycle Management is designed as a face-to-face program to explore how the Logical Framework Matrix, which appears as an analysis and design tool in project planning and development processes, can be used in our organization's project preparation processes and its relationship with the cyclical management approach.

This program, which includes basic information about project planning and management for those who are new to the concept of projects, also provides an opportunity for those who have previously carried out and are currently carrying out projects to refresh their knowledge.

  • To understand cyclical management approach,
  • To explore program, project, grant, activity concepts and the differences between them,
  • To discuss the strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons of the Logical Framework Approach, and the benefits it provides to analysis and planning processes,
  • To understand the relationship between the logical framework matrix and the cause-effect chain that emerges as a result of basic analysis,
  • To get information about the concepts of assumptions and risks, and their relationship with the logical framework matrix,
  • To experience how to prepare an activity plan and budget that is appropriate for a project's objectives,
  • To learn how to identify indicators and verification sources.
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Education Details
3 days


Certification Type
Certificate of Participation
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"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı

“Biçilmiş Kaftan” Ismarlama Eğitim Programı, sizlerin belirlediği ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bizimle birlikte tasarlanan ve planlanan özelleştirilmiş bir kapasite güçlendirme desteği.
