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Herkese Lazım Dersler

103- Rights Based Approach and Mainstreaming

About the training

The human rights-based approach is a conceptual framework for promoting and protecting human rights based on international human rights standards. It analyzes obligations, inequalities and vulnerabilities, and tackles discriminatory practices and unfair distributions of power that hinder human rights. It aims to reflect this approach to all plans, programs and practices, that is, to mainstream it.

"Rights-Based Approach and Mainstreaming" is designed to develop the skills necessary for non-governmental organizations that set out to provide equal opportunities for all, to internalize the rights-based approach and to look at the field of rights with a holistic understanding. 

What will you learn?
  • You will understand how the rights-based approach differs from other approaches, and who are the rights subjects and duty bearers.
  • You will learn about the relationship between gender equality and non-discrimination and the rights-based approach.
  • You will describe the steps to be followed to mainstream the rights-based approach; you will learn how to develop a rights-based perspective on issues outside of your fields of work.
  • You will learn about the place and importance of the right to participation and freedom of expression and association in the mainstreaming of the rights-based approach.  
How much time should you spare?

The face to face training of 103-Rights Based Approach and Mainstreaming takes 3 days.

If you’ve decided to attend 103-Rights Based Approach and Mainstreaming online-only, good news! There is no set start and end date. You can start at the time you set and finish at the time you set. We recommend that you spare 1,5 hours a day and complete the entire program in 2 days.  103-Rights Based Approach and Mainstreaming include 1,5 hours of video content. Reading materials take 1,5 hours. In other words, the total duration of all content is 3 hours. 

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Education Details
3 hours/self pace
Certification Type
Certificate of Participation
Feray Salman
Feray Salman

She graduated from the Department of City and Regional Planning at the Middle East Technical University in 1981. Between 1981 and 1984, he worked in different private institutions. She was in England between 1984-1986. She attended the courses of the Department of Town Economics at South Bank Polytechnic. After returning to Turkey in 1986, she worked as an urban planner in a private office for a while and then worked in the European Union Delegation to Turkey between 1987-2000. In this process, she took part in the "Turkey Democracy Congress" working group of the Union of Chambers of Architects and Engineers of Turkey voluntarily in 1996 and continued his work in TMMOB. She contributed to the establishment process of bianet by taking part in the works of TMMOB, Turkish Medical Association, and IPS Communication Foundation to create an "alternative communication network" between 1996 and 2000. She took part in the board of directors of İHD between 1998-2004. Since 2005, she has been the general coordinator of the Human Rights Joint Platform (İHOP), formed by human rights organizations.

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