Civil Life Association (SİYAMDER) carries out youth work with young people in many areas in 15 different cities in Turkey, which are the guarantee for the future. It supports the active participation of young people in decision-making processes, saying that today's young people are tomorrow's decision-makers.
By conducting youth-oriented studies in many fields such as democratic participation, culture, creativity, employment, environment and so on, the youth of our country can have the same potential as their international peers.
On September 26, Turkish Language Day, which has been celebrated since the opening day of the 1st Turkish Language Congress in 1932 with the participation of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, SİYAMDER organizes an event to commemorate the richness and diversity of Turkish and the responsibility to protect and develop our language.
The aim is to have an enjoyable conversation about "The Mystery of the Turkish Language: The Evolution of the Language from the Past to the Future" with the participation of Academician/Turcologist Fatma Çelik.
Dateand time: September 26, 2023, 21.00
Place: Zoom