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Call for Proposals: Play for Nature Grant Program

Play for Nature is launching its annual call for proposals aimed at all biodiversity conservation associations seeking financial support for their projects. Call for proposals aimed at biodiversity conservation associations around the world to support practical actions to protect ecosystems and endangered species, particularly through sport.

Projects submitted must fall into one of two categories:

  1. Biodiv’Monde: a biodiversity conservation project aimed at protecting an ecosystem or endangered species through concrete actions such as scientific monitoring, ecosystem restoration, environmental education, etc.
  2. Biodiv’Sport: a biodiversity conservation project designed to protect an ecosystem or endangered species through the practice of sport, the organisation of a sporting event and raising awareness among local people.

In all cases, the projects proposed must have a clear biodiversity conservation focus, with specific ecosystems or endangered species to be protected. They must also involve local people in some way in the actions implemented by the project, whether through education programmes, awareness-raising or active participation by local people in the association's activities.

For detailed information:

*For the applicants those wish to apply from Turkey, please contact with funding institution regarding geopraphical eligibility.

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