Regional thematic networks of Civil Society Organisations;
- Small scale projects in support of good neighbourly relations between Serbia and Kosovo*;
- Regional CSOs networks promoting media freedom and freedom of expression; and
- Quality Journalism initiative
- The deadline for online submission of Concept Notes is 24 May 2022 at 18:00h (Brussels time).
There are six thematic lots under the Call.
- Lot 1 - Good Governance, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption
- Lot 2 - Human Rights, Anti-discrimination and Inter-Cultural Dialogue
- Lot 3 - Green and Digital Transition
- Lot 4 - Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression, including countering disinformation and misinformation
- Lot 5 - Small scale projects in support of good neighbourly relations between Serbia and Kosovo
- Lot 6 - Quality Journalism
For all Lots- except Lot 5: applicants must be established in an IPA III Beneficiary under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (For Lot 5: be established either in Kosovo or Serbia)
For lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, actions can take place in the Western Balkans and Turkey, and must cover minimum 5 of these IPA beneficiaries.
For lot 5, actions must take place in both Kosovo and Serbia.
For lot 6, actions must take place in the six Western Balkans IPA Beneficiaries, except for the Award Scheme which should cover both Western Balkans and Turkey. Turkey is eligible only for Award Scheme under lot 6.
For detailed information regarding eligibility of applicants, it is recommended to read carefully 2.1.1. section of "Guidelines for Applicants".
For more information and documents please click the linke.