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Call for Projects on Water Resource Management

The Donors' Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems (DIMFE) is pleased to launch its Call for Project Proposals to address one of the major issues of the 21st century- Water resource management.

In order to respond to the challenges that impact freshwater ecosystems, the Donors' Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems (DIMFE) was created in 2021; a funders collaborative, dedicated to the conservation and restoration of all freshwater ecosystems in the Mediterranean: rivers, lakes, marshes and peatlands.


  • Conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Sustainable use and management of water resources
  • The development and implementation of sustainable financing mechanisms for freshwater ecosystem conservation and sustainable water use.

*Please contact with the funding institution to make sure the eligibility of applications to be made from Turkey.

For detailed information, please visit:

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