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BİRLİKTE (TOGETHER) We Set Out Again for Change

We set out "again, side by side and persistently" for the second implementation period of the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program supported by the European Union. In the program, which will last for two years, we will work with 25 civil society organizations from 8 provinces.

While a long and difficult process awaits us after the February Earthquakes, for a stronger civil society, we work together with 25 CSOs on different topics, from refugee rights to environmental rights, from LGBTI+ rights to disability rights, from children's rights to cultural rights. By working side by side, by cooperating with each other and most importantly by learning and growing together we also aim to be an intermediary for longer-term cooperation in civil society.

In the new period, we will again implement the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program, which we have designed as a comprehensive program that includes both institutional grants and mentoring components for institutional development, to contribute to the survival of CSOs that carry out rights-based activities to meet their basic objectives and promote their institutional development.

How was the evaluation process of the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program conducted?

Applications for the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program opened on June 03, 2022 and the two-month application period closed on August 03, 2022.

A total of 180 applications were received from 30 provinces for the program. We received the most applications from Istanbul (56), Ankara (39), Izmir (16), Diyarbakir (13) and Mersin (7).

We began the first session of the 4-stage evaluation process of the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program by reviewing administrative compliance and continued to evaluate written applications. It took about two months to evaluate the written applications submitted to BIRLIKTE. After the written evaluations, we moved on to the in-person interviews.

We conducted our face-to-face interviews with a total of 42 CSOs from 9 provinces. All interviews took place at the offices of the applicant CSOs and within 1 month.

In the final stage of the evaluation process, the evaluation committee made the final grant decision based on the evaluations of each application in the second and third stages. The evaluation process of the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program, which started with the application deadline on 04 August 2022, took a total of 5.5 months.

Which CSOs are participating in the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program this term?

In the second implementation phase of BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program, we will be together for two years with 25 civil society organizations working in different fields in Ankara, Adıyaman, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir and Mersin.


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