
Think Civil Regional Advisory Board Meeting was held on 16 November in Ordu. In the Advisory Board, besides the introduction of the programs carried out with the support of the European Union, good examples of Sivil Düşün supported works and group studies with the participation of civil society representatives were included.
STGM, which attended the meeting with the invitation of Sivil Düşün, also introduced its new corporate support program BİRLİKTE.
Tuğçe Bahadır and Zeynep Atay, participating in the Sivil Düşün Advisory Board on behalf of STGM, introduced STGM's new grant program BİRLİKTE to the representatives of the civil society. Bahadır and Atay, who provided detailed information to the participants about the content, quality of the program, eligibility criteria for applicants, application and evaluation processes, underlined that a more comprehensive information meeting will be organized by STGM to introduce the program in the Black Sea region.

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