This model and procedure proposed by BİRLİKTE, which has incorporated the years of experience of STGM and many experts in the field, is a somewhat challenging but highly effective roadmap that many civil society organizations in Turkey and even in the world can follow in their institutionalization.
The model proposed here essentially aims to enable organizations to develop a systems approach in key management areas such as governance, strategic planning, communication, resources, monitoring, evaluation and organizational learning by conducting a baseline assessment and defining a roadmap for improvement based on this assessment. This model is based on a self-assessment method that enables civil society organizations to assess the current situation in the organization, its strengths and aspects that need improvement from this perspective.
In the self-assessment method, although program mentors (or other external experts) can support the process, the organization itself is primarily responsible for the evaluation. A self-assessment tool has been created based on the model and includes specific questions, evaluation and assessment sections, prioritization matrices and improvement planning templates for each management area. Organizations wishing to try out the process can carry out their own self-assessment processes based on the explanations in this guide.
You can access the guide, which is designed to inspire and guide CSOs who want to make progress in strengthening their organizational structures, via the appendix or via the link here.
You can also read the story of our long and intensive journey with organizations here.
About the BİRLİKTE Program
The BİRLİKTE Program is a comprehensive institutional support model that we developed in 2017 to support civil society organizations that carry out their work with a human rights-based perspective.
The program supported a total of 42 CSOs between 2018-2020 in its first support period, and its second period started to be implemented as of February 2023. The second period is being implemented with 25 CSOs operating across Turkey. With BİRLİKTE 2, which is implemented as a sub-grant program provided by the European Union, organizations are provided with institutional grant support to enable them to fulfill their core functions, while at the same time, it is accompanied by “mentoring for institutional development” support that focuses on improving and strengthening their management systems, administrative and operational infrastructure and processes.