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Bilgi Social Incubation Center 10th anniversary publication published

Bilgi Social Incubation Center shares its history, journey and experiences in its 10th anniversary publication.

Bilgi Social Incubation Center explains the changes in needs in the civic space, the process that led to the establishment of the Center and the support provided during this process, answering the questions "why", "how" and "with whom" and aiming to spread it as a model for capacity building.

In the first part of the program, with the question “Why Social Incubation?”, what needs the Bilgi Social Incubation Center is trying to meet depending on the changing organizational capacity needs of civil society organizations in Turkey and the path taken by the Center during this period are explained. In the second section titled “How social incubation?” it is tried to share how the supports/processes work at Bilgi Social Incubation Center in the most detailed way possible. Each contribution in this section is supported with figures, and the impact of the process is also discussed by including the experiences of external evaluators and participants.

In the third section, the question “Social Incubation with Whom?" is answered. This section includes all stakeholders in this process, i.e. all individuals, institutions and civil society organizations that contributed to the development of Bilgi Social Incubation Center.

Click here to access the publication. ( In Turkish)

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