
Tanıklı ( set out to carry out media and memory studies of the 1990s. Tanıklı asked ‘Were the longed-for 90s better than today?’ and started to work on that issue on May 30 with the story of Özgür Gündem, which started its publication life on May 30, 1992, and the first article of Musa Anter which was published in Özgür Gündem on the same day.
tanıklı will try to make the rights violations of that time visible with the attractive popular culture agendas of that time.
"Tanıklık", which started its broadcasting with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Turkey, Sivil Düşün Program of the European Union and the Association of Journalists, uses the archives of Özgür Gündem, Cumhuriyet and Milliyet newspapers, which are accessible to everyone.
Starting from May 30, Tanıklı will use the archives of Özgür Gündem, Cumhuriyet and Milliyet newspapers from 30 years ago and create weekly email bulletins. Once a week, a podcast will be published in the study, which will serve the concepts of confrontation and not forgetting.
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