Good practices applications for the conference will be accepted until May 11, 2023, Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 14:00 on the digital platform called Education Ecosystem developed by ERI.
Applications for the 19th GEC can be made electronically at egitimekosistemi.org/iyi-ornek-basvuru-formu/ until 14.00 on Thursday, May 11, 2023. Detailed information on the application process and answers to frequently asked questions are included in the application guide.
This year's conference, which will be held with the theme of "worldliness", will seek answers to questions such as "How can we build 'worlds' that care for each other and all beings and care for the existence of all life forms through education?" and "How can we position the teachings of our planet on the basis of the teachings of humanity?". The good examples that will take part in the conference will be selected by an independent Evaluation Board. The results of the evaluation will be announced in August.