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Another School of Politics Applications Opened for 2022

Another School of Politics, organized by the Zero Discrimination Association, has started accepting applications for the year 2022.

The school, which will be held in İzmir Efes Selçuk between 07 - 15 May 2022, is open to the participation of young people between the ages of 18 - 35 who are sensitive to social issues, show leadership potential, and have active citizenship awareness.

Priority will be given to young people who have worked/worked actively in institutions and formations such as university clubs, non-governmental organizations, or local governments. Incoming applications will be evaluated by the project team considering geographical distribution and age. Transportation, accommodation, and meal expenses of the participants will be covered by the program.

Throughout the training program, various political issues such as active citizenship, social policies, the functioning of local governments, the development of Roma civil society in Europe and Turkey, and policies towards Roma, as well as thematic issues such as discrimination, social inclusion, gender, art, and activism are covered.

Those who want to apply to the school should fill out the application form and submit their CVs until March 31, 2022.​​​​​​​
 They can send it to

İlgili Eğitim