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5th year: Webinar on Turkey decision of ECHR about İzzettin Doğan and Others

Five years have passed since the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) İzzettin Doğan and Others in Turkey. In the webinar to be held in the 5th year of the decision, the content and importance of the decision, the international audit process, and what changes should be made in national legislation and policies for the implementation of the decision will be discussed.

Five years have passed since İzzettin Doğan and Others Turkey's decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which contains important findings on the protection of freedom of religion or belief and the neutrality of the state in the field of religion in Turkey.


AİHM başvurusunun şikâyet konusu, İslam’ın Sünni geleneğine bağlı çoğunluğa sunulan dinî kamu hizmetinin Alevilere de sunulmasına ilişkin taleplerin reddedilmesiydi. Başvurucuların, Alevi dinine ilişkin hizmetlerin kamu hizmeti kapsamına alınması, Alevilerin ibadet yerlerinin ibadet yeri statüsü kazanması,

The subject of the complaint of the ECHR application was the rejection of the requests for the provision of the religious public service to the Alevis, which was offered to the majority of the Sunni tradition of Islam. The applicants' requests for Alevi religious services to be included in the public service, Alevi places of worship to become places of worship, to hire Alevi clergymen as civil servants, and for a special provision to be allocated for the worship of Alevi believers were rejected by the public officials. The ECHR Grand Chamber ruled on April 26, 2016, that Turkey had violated Article 9, which protects the right to freedom of religion or belief, and Article 14 prohibiting discrimination in conjunction with Article 9. However, the decisions and recommendations of the ECHR on the case have not been effectively implemented in the 5th year of the decision.

In this context, in the webinar we will organize in the 5th year of the decision, we will discuss the content and importance of the decision, the international audit process, and what changes should be made in national legislation and policies for the implementation of the decision. At the event, Tuğçe Duygu Köksal, President of the Istanbul Bar Association Human Rights Center, will talk about the ECtHR decision and the monitoring process of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers regarding the execution of the decision. Atılım University Faculty of Law academic staff member Dr. Dilşad Çiğdem Sever will give a speech focusing on the measures to be taken at the national level to ensure equality in the provision of religious public services in Turkey. The webinar will be moderated by Human Rights Activist Nejat Taştan.

  • The language of the event will be Turkish.
  • You can register for the event to be held on Zoom until Thursday, May 27, 12:00. Please click for registration.
  • A webinar access link will be sent before the event.
  • You can reach your questions about the event via e-mail address.
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