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14th Green Economy Conference at Postane Istanbul on September 13th

Green Thinking Association (Yeşil Düşünce Derneği) and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Turkey Representative Office will organize the 14th Green Economy Conference on Friday, September 13, 2024 at Postane.

The first session aims to understand how the green transformation process is strategically drawn and to evaluate the current situation regarding the pros and cons of this strategy. In the second session of the conference, it is planned to discuss how compatible current policies are with these discourses through concrete examples. The last session will focus on how green transformation can be realized and saved from being a 'missed opportunity'.
Green Transformation in Turkey: Discourses, Policies and Opportunities
September 13, 2024, 10.00-16.00
Istanbul, Postane
14th Green Economy Conference Registration Form


10:15 - 10:45 | Discourses
What kind of Green Transformation - A Critique on Discourse
Ayşe Uyduranoğlu (Bilgi University)
10:45 - 12:10 | Policies
Is Green Transformation of Fossil Fuel Mining Possible?
Deniz Gümüşel (Right to Clean Air Platform)
Is Green Transformation Ecological?
Süheyla Doğan (Kazdağı Association for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources)
The Role of Policy and Incentives in Accelerating Renewable Energy Development
Sena Serhadlıoğlu (SHURA)
13:00 - 14:20 | Opportunities
The Role of the Private Sector and Financial Institutions in Green Transformation in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges
Selen Karaca( 350. org)
Last Exit Before the Bridge: Is It Possible to Imagine a Future Without Transformation?
Bengisu Özenç (SEFIA)
14:40- 16:00 | Forum and Closing

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