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With “Birlikte” Program we keep on creating and learning from our experiences together

The European Union funded “Birlikte” Program which aims to assist local CSOs has completed its first year. The program is organized by ourselves using our expertise on the field and with the aim of enhancing the institutional capacity of local CSOs in Turkey. The beneficiaries of this program are coming together to learn and share their experiences.

The European Union funded “Birlikte” Program which aims to assist local CSOs has completed its first year. The program is organized by ourselves using our expertise on the field and with the aim of enhancing the institutional capacity of local CSOs in Turkey. The beneficiaries of this program are coming together to learn and share their experiences.

Local CSOs have been in constant communication with each other via education seminars, the last get together was about self-evaluation and improvement processes. The CSOs have shared their experiences in this event & had a chance the see the program from each other’s unique perspective.

In the first day of the two-day event the topics were “Experiences in self-evaluation” and “Experiences in improvement”. In both panel gatherings, the below mentioned CSOs have shared their experiences: S.S Nilüfer Kadın Çevre ve İşl. Kooperatifi, Empati, İşitme Engelliler ve Aileleri, İzmir Kadın Dayanışma, Karadeniz Ekolojik Kalkınma, Kazdağı Doğal ve Kültürel Varlıkları Koruma, Mor Salkım Kadın Dayanışma, 65+ Yaşlı Hakları, Çiğdem Eğitim, Çevre ve Dayanışma, Ceza İnfaz Sisteminde Sivil Toplum, Yaşam Bellek Özgürlük, Roman Toplumu Gençlik, Toplumsal Haklar ve Araştırmalar, Mekanda Adalet and Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği.

There were further seminars about topics such as finance management, governance, data mapping, advocacy, lobbying and campaigning. Furthermore, CSOs that have benefitted from Birlikte Program have shared their experiences in workshops. S.S Nilüfer Kadın Çevre ve İşl. Kooperatifi which is located in Düzce province has shared experiences about social entrepreneurship, while Sulukule Gönüllüleri Derneği explained their working attitude with regards to children. Mor Salkım Kadın Dayanışma Derneği organized a workshop called “Gender Equality in Language & Communication”.


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